If you would like to update your profile please fill out the form below. The only 'Required' fields are Email and Name. If you have any problems please get in contact with us.
Name*: To know who you are. email*: Primary method of contact. Website: If available. Social Media: If Available . Phone: Helpful if you change your email address and we cannot contact you. (not shown on site) Header*: A short description about you. 20 - 125 characters. Biography*: Information about you. Exhibitions: Provide a list of any exhibitions you have shown in over the past 2 years. Extra Information: Anything else you would like to add .How did you find us: Lets us know how you came across Scotland's Artists.
Image*: Every artist now has 6 images on their profile as standard.
Img Info*: Provide title, media, date and size . (Between 10 -125 characters please)
The images should be at least 100kB in size so that the 'Full Screen' option can be used.